4 Week “Jumpstart your Life Purpose Now!” Coaching Program

Starting in May 4, 2021

Confused about what your Life Purpose is? You know you’re supposed to be living a much bigger life than you are now, but you’re feeling stuck and frustrated with your lack of progress and struggle with procrastination, worry, and fear?

I am ready to take you through this 4 Week Program to help you begin to, finally, move forward in your life. The reason I can help clients work through this is because I have been there, I was stuck myself, and I know how painful and confusing it can be!

I worked for the corporate world for 20 years at jobs and with people that were not aligned to my values. I know how it feels to spend so many hours at a job that is not fulfilling. I know how painful it is to spend so much time of our lives doing something that we know, deep in our hearts, is not what we are supposed to be doing.

Selling my time to get a check was a draining and uncomfortable non-ending cycle. It was not fun, because no matter what I did, I still felt that sense of dissatisfaction that was making me feel very anxious and even depressed.

That is why I’m so excited to present you this interactive program, with tools that will help you understand the core of why you might be stuck and will take you deep to start aligning to your Authentic-Self and to your path, the life you came here to live!

I tried doing different things, I did a lot of deep soul searching and began aligning with my life’s purpose a few years ago when I started practicing Reiki and then became a Certified Life & Holistic Coach. I am so grateful for that! But it took me years, of confusion and pain, until I finally had clarity on the direction that I wanted to go.

Because of my own experience, that’s why I’m so excited about this program! I designed this program to accelerate that process for you!

Patrica, Thank you for helping me begin to understand how to live from my authentic self. How to release the resistance and move toward my passions. When we first started this journey I did not know what my passions were. The work sheets and sessions were very helpful. I get up renewed and refreshed looking forward to my day. I personally recommend you to people who may feel stuck or overwhelmed on what next step should be. Thanks again!!!!!!”  - J. Hall

“I really felt that I had nothing left to offer the world and was just going through the motions, doing a job for a paycheck and not doing something I loved.  After working with Patricia I realized that I still had SO much left inside me to give.  I ended my long pity party, put myself out there,  and opened up my heart/mind to that reality.  Patricia helped me to understand that I was the only thing holding me back from the life of my dreams.  Because of the work that I did with Patricia, I am now starting a new job that will allow me to not only do something I love for a paycheck, but to get my life purpose back on track and complete the work that I was meant to do in this lifetime.  Thanks Patricia for helping me make my dreams a reality!!  – Tricia L.

What you will get on the program:

  1. Tools and worksheets that will help you understand the core of why you might be stuck and connect deeply with yourself
  2. One Tele-Class per week in which we will cover each step of the program plus time for you to get your questions answered.
    • All the information you need will be presented during the calls
    • You will get homework to be done between calls
    • You will benefit from hearing other people’s questions. Someone else’s question or sharing could create a powerful breakthrough for you. When you work in a group setting with other people, the collective energy shared results in life-changing shifts that will skyrocket your growth!!
    • The calls will take place on May 4, May 11, May 18 and May 26 at 7:00pm ET
  3. You will get the recordings from all the calls
    • You will benefit of being able to re-listen to the calls anytime you want to reinforce your learning process. Since I’ll be sharing new information with you about new ways of being, I recommend that you re-listen to the calls a few times.
    • If for some reason you miss a call this will give you the opportunity to not miss anything!
    • Or if you live in a different country and the time zone is not convenient for you to be on the calls live, you can still take the classes easy breezy!
  4. A 1:1  30-minute session with me at the end of the program to review your progress and map out your next steps.

This is what we will cover every week:

Week 1:

This week is all about self-discovering. We will uncover the hidden gem that is YOU so you can start shining. You will learn:

  • Understand your Inner Relationship and your Conditionings
  • Signals that you may be letting fear get in the way or your dreams and what to do about it
  • Learn tools to cope with your limiting beliefs

Week 2:

This week is all about self-care and self-love, because without these you are not living to your fullest potential. You will learn:

  • The principles of Self-Love
  • Learn how self-love and self-care are related to re-connecting with your Purpose
  • Why being in a state of Joy attracts money, love and helps manifest your dreams

Week 3:

This week is all about deepening your Spiritual connection and identifying the most common limiting beliefs. You will learn:

  • Deepen your Spiritual connection
  • Clues that will lead you to clarity about your Life Purpose
  • The Core Principles of Dream Manifestation

Week 4:

This last week is all about re-connecting with your passions and the key to finding your Life Purpose. You will learn:

  • Re-connect with your passions
  • Action Plan

The Key elements of the program are:

  1. A step by step proven system with tools to help you Jumpstart to get clarity on your Life Purpose and stay focused – no more confusion and going around in circles.
  2. Support – You will get support during the Tele-Classes, in our Private Facebook group, and during our 1:1  30 minute session with me at the end of the program. You will also have the opportunity to learn from others during our weekly calls, since you will be interacting with a group of like-minded people. There is always a richness in a group of people that get together with a common intention and going through a similar journey. You will definitely not feel alone. The “WE” energy is so powerful!
  3. Accountability – You will be required to send me a report every week to measure your progress and homework prior to the calls. Being accountable makes a big difference and keeps you motivated to move forward.

I am 100% confident that this 4 Week Program will help you to:

  • Take full ownership of your life and your results – By aligning with your Authentic-Self, you will reclaim your power
  • Gain Clarity on your Passions
  • Increase your self-esteem - You will see yourself by who you really are
  • Increase your capability of attracting abundance in all areas of your life
  • Learn tools to keep you unstuck and transform self-limiting beliefs that could have been holding you back for years
  • Feel Joy and a sense of balance in your life, like never before

Bonus: Sign up now and get my “Create a Prosperity Mindset” Tele-class and Worksheet for free ($97 value)

7 Ways to Create a Prosperity Mindset

Are you considering taking the leap to live your Passions, and leave that job that is sucking the soul out of you, but you fear that you will not be able to make enough money to support yourself and/or your family financially by doing what you love? This fear keeps many people postponing living the life they came here to live for “later” or “someday”, or what’s worse, some people even bury the idea completely, and the truth is, that when you’re not aligned with your Life Purpose you will continue to struggle, feel frustrated and unfulfilled. I was there myself, I know how painful it is!

Or, maybe you are just tired of struggling with money? Or  you know that you have so much more potential with the money you bring in but don’t know what is stopping the flow of abundace? Or you have money but you are always worrying about it?

In this class is meant for you, as you will develop a new relationship with Money!

In this Tele-Seminar you will learn:

  • What your Money template is, and how it is holding you back
  • What the secret meaning of debt is
  • The Ways that your Self-Esteem affects how much money you make, and how to heal this, so you can move into Abundance
  • 7 Tips on How to Make Money following your Passion
  • Learn 7 ways to shift to a Prosperity Mindset
  • How to eliminate your fear related to money—Forever!
  • Learn how your Mindset has the power over your personal economy and the opportunities that come to you

I am sure that while you were reading this information you were having a whole mix of emotions – excitement, hope, feeling that there is someone else that has been where you are right now, feeling RELIEF by seeing that you will get the support and clarity you need. But maybe in that mix there is some fear and you hear yourself coming up with reasons why you should not do this, like: “I don’t have enough time to go through this”, “I can’t afford this now”, “Not sure this will really work”, etc.

I just want you to know that all those “unreasonable reasons” are only excuses from your Conditioned-self or ego-mind. I have been there myself.  This is a part of you that fears change and it’s trying to convince you so you don’t change. This is the part of you that has been keeping you stuck and with that feeling of dissatisfaction over the years. The more you let that part of you drive your life, the more you let life dictate the terms to you. You will be limiting yourself to experience the joy and freedom that comes when you align yourself to your Authentic-Self and your Life Purpose.

Give yourself the gift of registering for the program. It is your birthright to be happy! Imagine yourself living your life with more joy, excitement, meaning and freedom!  I guarantee you that you will be amazed with the new possibilities that you will see ahead when you start aligning with your Authentic-Self and your unique Purpose here on this beautiful planet! It would be a dishonor to yourself and a disservice to those around you and the world in general. You have so many unique gifts to give out to the world!

“Before I started working with Patricia I was not sure of what I wanted to do with my professional life, I felt lost and very overwhelmed. Patricia provided great tools and support that helped me gain clarity and now I feel that I’m living from a more authentic place and with more joy and freedom! Thank you Patricia, anyone would really benefit from working with you!” - D. Barrett

“Patricia is an extremely masterful and intuitive coach. Her ability to help me discover the root of some core issues I had been struggling with and guide me through how to transform them was life-changing for me. Her passion for helping change people’s lives really comes through in her coaching style. She has made such a positive impact on my life and I highly recommend her.” - R. Carlson

Payment Options

Option 1

Pay in Full  $297

Buy Now ►

Option 2

Pay in two easy breezy payments of  $155

Buy Now ►

Bonus: Sign up now and get a my “Create a Prosperity Mindset” Tele-class and Worksheet for free ($97 value)

Love and Blessings,
Patricia Young
Holistic Success & Purpose Coach

P.S. Are you finally ready to get the clarity you need in your life? Are you tired of going around in circles not feeling fulfilled and on purpose—then give yourself the gift of this program—you will be SO glad you did!

Still Undecided?

Ask me any question about the 4 Week Jumpstart your Life Purpose Coaching Program and I’ll help you decide if it’s right for you. Email me at: support@innerprosperityacademy.com, with “question about the 4 Week Jumpstart Program” in the subject line and I can answer any questions you might have. We can even schedule a time to connect for a complimentary call, so you can clarify any questions you might have about the program. I would love to hear from you! Feel free to contact me