3 Steps to Find Self-Fulfillment

By Patricia Young.

Have you ever asked yourself what does it mean to feel self-fulfilled? What is the source of fulfillment in your life? What feelings do you associate with feeling fulfilled?

To a certain degree we all want more in life. We want to achieve our deepest desires, express who we really are, live with purpose and realize our highest capacities.  But really, how do we achieve self-fulfillment?

  1. Fulfillment really comes into our life when we know who we really are, but not by identifying ourselves with external roles like being a mom, or being a lawyer, or being a CEO, or being a daughter or a wife, you get the idea…it’s really when we go beyond the ego and we see ourselves for who we really are, as perfect, whole and complete spiritual beings, whose natural states are love, joy and freedom.
  1. Fulfillment also arises when we take an inner journey and become aware of what we really want, but only when we listen to the voice of our Authentic Self - our Spirit, not to the voice of the ego. Because all the conditions that are perfect for the ego to feel fulfilled, are based on external conditions, and we don’t have control over many of those, so we’ll tend to feel struggle, frustration, self-judgment, fear, etc.
  1. We will also feel fulfillment when we dive in to explore and become clear on what direction to go, because it comes from a place of enthusiasm, inspiration and a deep joy that can only be felt when we are connected to our Spirit. By having this kind of clarity, your awareness is always open, and you know what it is that you want to nurture, and what is meant to be released because it’s no longer serving you.

The way to tune into your Spirit’s desires and purpose, and tune out from your ego, is by connecting to your Authentic Self through meditation and quiet time, on a daily basis, this way, you can listen to your inner wisdom and awaken yourself to what really matters, instead of feeling outshined by external circumstances or events.

When we make the inward journey, tap into the source of our awareness, and understand fulfillment from this point of view, it clearly shows how it is holistically linked to living a path of fullness that leads to a happy, successful, purposeful and abundant life.

As you become more aware, pay attention to possibilities and opportunities. A lot of synchronicities happen when your attention and intention are set in motion. I invite you to ask yourself “How will you let your life be enriched by all the possibilities that always surround you?”

Feel free to contact me to schedule a Complimentary 20-minute Purpose & Passion Activation Session, where you can get clarity on where you are now, where you want to be, and how to make it happen! I can support you in creating the life you came here to live. I look forward to connecting with you soon!


  1. Peggy Nolan says

    I’m a firm believer in tuning in. Even now, when I’m not expecting anything when I tune in (just being quiet is often good enough for me!) and I receive a message, I pay close attention. :-)

  2. Jan Deelstra says

    This is a lovely post. Initially, as I read #1, I thought, “YES! that’s key!” But then I got to #2, and said, “ahh, but yes….” And finally, as I got to #3, I found my truest truth, because what I know to be true is that true fulfillment must start and end with self-awareness. Love this post, and love the feel of your site.

  3. pamela344 says

    I love how opportunities and possibilities show up in the silence. A beautiful reminder. Thank you Patricia.

  4. Lisa says

    Thanks for the reminder Patricia, fulfillment comes from within! I love connecting within through writing and meditation.

  5. Bonnie Nussbaum says

    It is so worth it to take the time to quiet yourself! I vote they teach kids how to do this in school…imagine how much happier everyone would be.

  6. Tina Games says

    Excellent post, Patricia! :-) ~ I love the invitation to really ponder what “fulfillment” means to us. It’s quite eye-opening! ~ And once we’re clear on what it means, how congruent is our life? Is it aligned with our vision of fulfillment? Or is it way off base? ~ These questions really help us identify the gap - and what it will take to achieve our definition of fulfillment. ~ Many thanks for a thought-provoking read!

  7. Barbara Williams says

    I so agree Patricia that I tend to feel fulfillment when I dive in to explore and become clear on what direction to take; and yes it does come from a place of enthusiasm, inspiration and a deep joy that can only be felt when I’m connected to my spirit. What a way to find fulfillment!


  8. Trudy Scott, Food Mood Expert and Nutritionist says

    Fulfillment also arises when we take an inner journey - this one really resonates with me. My anxiety and panic attacks and healing journey have led me to do what I do as a food mood expert to help other find answers - and totally fulfills me!

  9. Michele Christensen says

    Yes, fulfillment does come from within. So many times in my life I’ve been happier when I did what I knew was right inside, not what the world expected of me.

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