Money vs. Happiness - 5 Tips on How to Make Money Doing What You Love

By Patricia Young.

We live in a consumer-driven society, and the money factor is actually one of the biggest and most common fears that we face, and that prevents some of us from taking action in aligning with our true values and follow our Passions. We fear that we will not be able to make enough money to support ourselves and our families financially.  I was there myself, and so were some of my clients, so I know how painful and overwhelming that sense of feeling trapped can be.

With this main fear we keep postponing living the life we came here to live for “later” or “someday”, or what’s worse, some people even bury the idea completely, and the truth is, that when we’re not aligned with our Life Purpose we will continue to struggle, feel frustrated and unfulfilled; and that will bring consequences emotionally, physically, and even in our relationships.

We then tend to live more on auto-pilot and focus on filling the void of feeling unfulfilled by purchasing the next new electronic toy, the next new bag, the next new shoes, a new home, booking a new trip, etc.  But, ultimately, we get back into our daily reality and go back to the same feelings of lack of happiness and contentment over time. These are only temporary distractions and don’t provide those sustainable feelings of meaning, joy and balance that we’re longing for in our lives.

So what do you do? How do you get out of the rut and move into being happy, fulfilled but also be able to make money doing what you love? Well, start by taking baby steps. Here are some tips:

  1. Know what you want – This is key. What are you passionate about? What makes your heart sing? What makes your soul joyful and vibrant? If you are not clear about what you’re passionate about, don’t try to figure it out from your head. Meditate and reconnect with your spirit - your higher self. All the answers are within yourself.
  2. If you have a full-time job and want to pursue your passion start developing it part-time - Once you are making enough money with your passion you can quit your job!
  3. Be willing to learn from others who are successful doing what your passion is - There is someone out there who is making money doing what you love - find them and learn from them.
  4. Be willing to invest in your personal growth as you pursue your passion - The more you release limiting beliefs that are no longer serving you, the more your career will flourish. A Mentor is the ideal person to support you, guide you and hold you accountable so you can achieve your dreams.
  5. Be willing to create a new relationship with money and create a Prosperity Mindset - Read books, go to workshops, but also, very important, consider working with a coach, to help you release beliefs that limit how much money you make and living to your fullest potential. The only limits that we have are the ones that we place on ourselves.

The price we pay for working at a job, only for the money to pay the bills and have “financial security”, tends to be very significant on our emotional and physical health, and unfortunately, it will also affect our relationships. I invite you to be more mindful about what you’re doing every day to seek happiness and fulfillment.

At the end of the day, it’s not about the money or the material things we accumulate, it’s about being happy and fulfilled, but also, it’s about being an inspiration to those around us, while we create a ripple effect, make a difference and flow with life being authentic.

Begin to see the very subtle ways in which the universe is supporting you and guiding you, but the first step is to take action, even if it’s a baby step. Be open to see the guidance and support that you will get once you fully commit to living your life aligned with your Life Purpose, which is, ultimately, the only way in which you will feel true fulfillment, happiness, freedom and financial security.

Feel free to contact me to schedule a Complimentary 20-minute Purpose & Passion Activation Session, where you can get clarity on where you are now, where you want to be, and how to make it happen! I can support you in creating the life you came here to live. I look forward to connecting with you soon!


  1. Lisa says

    I agree living on autopilot and delaying our happiness does keep us in a rut. I left my traditional counseling job almost 1 year ago. At times, I battle fear and limiting thoughts. Mostly, I feel free and happy when I can trust in myself and the Divine. Thanks for your post and tips.

    • Patricia Young says

      I’m glad you’re following your heart Lisa! and trust that you’re been fully supported at all times! I’m glad you liked the post! love and blessings :)

  2. Peggy Nolan says

    Finally - one of the few voices of reason when it comes to #2. Way too many people insist that one needs to quit their day job to focus on their passion. Thank you for not advocating that people toss aside their primary income until their desired work can replace (or come close to replacing) their primary income. I heart you for that!

    • Patricia Young says

      Thanks Peggy! I was there myself and I know how hard it is…the best way to start is by creating something on the side :) Thanks for stopping by!

  3. sheilacallaham says

    I love the point about developing a new relationship with money. If we’ve grown up thinking that money is the root of all evil, then there’s some major reprogramming that has to take place! Great article!

    • Patricia Young says

      Thanks Sheila! Yes, that is key. There are so many fears around money, that, like you said, some people need some major reprogramming on that area. Thanks for stopping by! :)

  4. Barbara Williams says

    Thanks for sharing these helpful tips Patricia. It is so important to not focus on trying to accomplish everything all at one, and to be patient with yourself in trying to reach your goals; simply by taking those baby steps you mentioned.

  5. Dina says

    Lovely advice here! I’ve been shifting my money mindset lately because I used to believe that money was the root of all evil. Now I’m accepting that I can be successful at my passion AND make good money doing so.

  6. Tina Games says

    Fabulous post, Patricia! ~ I really resonated with the line, “….filling the void of feeling unfulfilled by purchasing the next….” ~ For me, it was the next coaching program and the next certification program, thinking that I didn’t have enough knowledge and expertise. It wasn’t until I realized that it was “me” and “my unique perspective” that people were wanting. :-)

    • Patricia Young says

      So true Tina, that is key - knowing that it’s our own uniqueness that makes the difference! :)

  7. Uma Valerie Carruthers says

    Like the Buddha, you wisely point to the inescapable fact that our intrinsic happiness cannot be generated by dependence on external objects or situations. Reliance on what is impermanent only creates more suffering. As you wonderfully observe, by becoming aligned with our true purpose is the first step toward achieving limitless happiness and fulfillment from which all other forms of abundance spring.

  8. Teena says

    Great post Patricia! I can so relate to all of your important tips - especially #4 “Be willing to invest in your personal growth as you pursue your passion” Investing in myself was the #1 thing that started to turn my life around and get it moving in the right direction :-) Thank you for sharing your wisdom.


  9. says

    This brings back so many memories - working part time in my old computer job while I started my nutrition business and learning from the best and investing in myself. It really does work!

  10. Michele Christensen says

    All great stuff! I believe that it is our obligation as humans to use our gifts and talents to serve others. When you don’t serve in your own unique way, it’s a disservice to the world. I also believe you can take an attitude of service and making the world a better place into many areas of your life. Even when I had corporate jobs I didn’t like, I still tried to remember the ways in which I was serving.

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